Hello friends,
Today’s post is for my little friends. It’s been more than a month we have read any story. Summer break is almost going to start and I am sure you all have made many exciting plans for your holidays. But one thing that you all should do is set a time for your studies too. Not a all but little bit may be. Try to work on those things for which you don’t get enough time during your school days. One such thing is Handwriting. Yes, that’s the subject for today’s story. And this story is in Hindi. I have translated it in English for your understanding. But the essence of this story is hard-work always pays off.
Tittle: Sundar Hastakshar
(sundar meaning beautiful & hastakshar meaning signature /handwriting (in our story))
This story is about a young school going boy name Balaji. When he started going to school, in-spite of all his efforts, he couldn’t remember his lessons. As you all know, the first thing that you learn when you start your school is Alphabets. He tried very hard but no luck. Then he himself found out a trick – AksharVidya (akshar means alphabets & vidya means knowledge). He started paying attention to the letter formation and tried to practice them. This trick worked or Akshar Vidya worked for him. Now, not only he was able to remember the alphabets easily but his handwriting started getting better. He started getting compliments from his teachers for his beautiful handwriting.
It was the time of King Shivaji (you will get to know more about King Shivaji in the audio clip). In those days, since there were no printing houses so all the books, letters were written by people addressed as “Munshi” meaning “Writers“. The munshi who used to work for king Shivaji didn’t have a good handwriting so Shivaji was in search for something even better. So he appointed his “Mantri” meaning “Minister” to search for people fit for this job. He asked to collect their writing samples and bring it to him. A directed by the King, the minister got few samples and presented it to Shivaji (Balaji’s was one of them). Shivaji liked Balaji’s handwriting the most and appointed him as the in-charge of writing all the official letters for Shivaji.
So, this way, Balaji’s hard work paid off.
I hope you all have liked this story. Happy Summer Vacations!!
Audio Link for the story: