Want to be a people person? 5 habits that will make you one

I am sure you must have come across such people who are always the center of attraction at any gathering. They instantly ease the environment. Everyone wants to talk to them. In other words, they are a people person. They don’t do anything out of the way or fancy. They simply follow certain basic habits that some people may term common sense. Surprisingly, we don’t realize when we forget about them.

When do we say that a particular practice has become our habit? Simple, when it starts coming naturally to us. It becomes our second nature. A few such habits are saying thank you or sorry or smiling when we meet our dear ones. You will find many such practices you will be doing daily. Pause and think about some of these habits you have been following. How did you develop those?

Habits define us and play a crucial role in shaping our personality. Some habits are welcomed, and we gain the confidence to keep them. But sometimes, there are a few things people don’t like. They do not say it openly, but they maintain distance from us. In this post, I will talk about a few habits I do not encourage or like personally.

Related article: 6 micro habits thats will change your life

Want to be a people person? 5 habits that will make you one…

Want to be a people person? 5 habits that will make you one
Source, Edits: pixabay, canva
  • Interrupting when others are talking
  • Comparing your situation to others
  • Cribbing about your situation all the time
  • Being know-it-all
  • Gossiping

Interrupting when others are talking

Sometimes, when we are conversing with a friend, we find that we also have something similar experience. We become so eager to make our point that we don’t allow the other person to finish their sentence. The result was that the topic took a new turn, and our friend didn’t get a chance to finish it. Believe me, it is one of the most annoying habits. No one likes to be interrupted. Let the person finish and then share or don’t if it is unnecessary. Understand the importance of other people’s feelings. Even if we have anything relatable to share or maybe more important, still wait.

Comparing your situation to others

We all have many experiences which we want to share with others. But sometimes, we start talking about our experiences and don’t realize that we are comparing them with theirs. We should understand that every person’s experiences are special and unique. They hold great significance to them and we are not in their shoe to understand its intensity. We use words like “This is nothing, I have faced something even more challenging. Or you know, I had a similar situation, and I did this…etc.” Now, these sentences seem very normal. Right? But when a person is telling you something with the intention of not being judged, such a response will make them feel that they are not handling it correctly or unnecessarily making a big deal and getting worried. Ideally, if you have anything to add, you should wait and be a good listener. If the other person seeks your advice or opinion, only then share it, but keep it short. A people person respect other’s feelings, and don’t make them feel they have made a mistake by sharing it with them.

Cribbing about your situation all the time

Imagine you have a get-together with your friend. And the moment she enters, she starts complaining about how unhappy she is with her life and her family. She keeps on complaining about every small thing. Would you like it? Everyone has ups and downs, but that doesn’t mean we should publicize our private lives. A few matters need to be taken care of inside the four walls. If you are seeking a solution, it is good to talk to someone close, but never forget that there is a limit to that. Everyone needs a break. A people person do not treat them as a point of venting out. They understand the importance of not disturbing other’s mental peace.

Being know-it-all

Most of us know someone who is convinced that they are an expert at everything, regardless of their actual knowledge. They are often called “know-it-all.” People who are seen as people person know how to use their knowledge. Knowledge may well be power, and when you’re incredibly informed (or at least think you are), you want to share your know-how with everyone in your presence. And what’s wrong with that? When you try to take over every conversation with your know-it-all opinions, it’s a bad look that can come across as rude, arrogant, and self-centered.


Talking behind someone’s back is never considered a good habit.  Psychologists say that gossiping is a social skill, but we should know when we are doing it right. Sharing general well-being about friends and family, sharing details about your daily life, problems, etc, with friends in confidence is NOT gossip. But when we talk too much about their personal lives, that is wrong. Also, it puts a question mark on your integrity.

Final words,

As mentioned in the first paragraph, “habits define us.” if we can avoid these habits, then we can also become that person whose company people will crave and whose presence will brighten up the space.


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

2 thoughts on “Want to be a people person? 5 habits that will make you one

  1. I have always thought being a ‘people’s person’ is a good thing, it means you are social and are accepted with open arms in all groups and joints. But, reading this article, I am conflicted with this belief, however, these habits are most annoying and will keep everyone at bay.

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