Where have those girly talks gone-Part 2


As I have promised, here is the 2nd part.

      To re-live those pre-mommy days first we need to learn to take some time-off for ourselves. I call it “ME” time. I agree for new moms it gets little hard. These are the few things that have helped me. I can say this since I have a 5 years old daughter. I won’t say that my journey has ended (Kindergarten comes with its own challenges) but yes, I have crossed that new mom phase.

1.  Set a routine and stick to it – Even young ones are happy when they know what to expect. For you it will be easy to plan your day accordingly.

2.  Be consistent- This, I would say, is more important than the first pointer. Kids can easily sense your dilemma. It sometimes may seem difficult as they (especially the young ones) have different needs and requirements. But at least give it a try.

3.  Stay calm and relaxed- I know it is easy to say. But if you follow the first two pointers then automatically you will be relaxed. You don’t have to do anything extra for this.

4. Get back to your hobby- It might sound little odd asking you to spare sometime for your hobby when you don’t have time for yourself but seriously try to find some time for yourself. Each one of us has some hobby or other. Those 10-15 minutes would be more than enough to re-energize yourselves. A book (with a cup of coffee), some soothing music, painting, writing, yoga anything will work.

5.  Write a journal- Sometimes this works too. We all need some outlet. We cannot express everything verbally. I kept a journal when I was expecting my daughter and even later. Reading it now is a very different experience.  No need to write every day. Write whenever you feel like writing. It’s not a home work. Who knows there might be a writer inside you?

6.  Mother’s Day Out- When my daughter first started her preschool I didn’t understand why they call it Mother’s Day Out. Kids are out not mothers. Then I thought may be because it gives the moms a chance to take some time-off.  Sometimes just a quick trip to the library, your favorite store is enough.

This is what I feel. Everyone has a different way of relaxing themselves. In short, whatever works for you is the best option. So try to find those old girly talks in your new mommy talks. Please do share what you feel.



About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

3 thoughts on “Where have those girly talks gone-Part 2

    1. Thanks Swati…glad that you liked the post. T think almost all the moms, more or less, have the same experiences. I just tried to put them in words.

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