Sometimes all it takes is a second chance to get things right. do you agree?

We all deserve a second chance but not all get one. So, we have to make proper use of it.

everyone deserve a second chance

We make mistakes and learn a lesson from them. We promise ourselves that we will not repeat it. We think if I will get a second chance, I will start fresh. But when we get one, we make the same mistake again. Then what’s the use of the second chance? A second chance is just like a re-test that student appears with full preparation so that s(he) will not make the same mistakes again and score well. Life is nothing but an exam where each passing day teaches us a lesson.

We want to make our life beautiful and peaceful. There are a lot of people who contribute to this. Our friends, relatives, family members, acquaintances – all. Yes, they all add their own personal touches. Sometimes we feel great being in their company but sometimes, we get offended. We don’t want to talk to them. Sometimes a simple misunderstanding leads to a complicated scenario. When something like this happens to us then we wish for a second chance so that we can correct our mistake but when it’s the other way around, are we open to give a second chance to them? Most of the times, the answer is No. Not being open for giving others a second chance can be because we enter into a closed mindset time to time. No matters how hard we try, we let go the open mindset which welcomes everyone and allows us to see and think the situation in a broad spectrum.

Forgiveness or giving a second chance is very much dependent on our mindset. Whether it is for others or for ourselves. People with a closed mindset think that certain traits are God given and they cannot be learned or developed. So, if they make any mistake, they see it as a setback.  On the other hand, people with a growth mindset always believe in seeing the bigger picture. They believe in themselves. They feel very positive about working hard and with their hard work, learning new skills. They are also ready to give others a second chance and not just this, they also help them, support them in the process. They never let anyone down or make others feel bad about not able to prove themselves in the first go. Check out what Wayne T. Jackson has to say about integrity. I am sure you will agree with him. 

Understanding that we all deserve a second chance and it can actually improve our current state is the starting point of the process which will give us a happy ending. Forgiving someone and rising above from the feeling of anger is not very easy. We are very quick in showing our anger or happiness towards someone or about something. Ideally, happiness should stay with us longer but the reverse happens. We tend to hold on to the negative feelings.

Everyone makes mistakes in their lives but that doesn’t mean they have to pay for them the rest of their life. If you really want to give someone a second chance then you should mean it. As we are getting close to year end, there are many holidays to celebrate what we have been given. One of the greatest gifts we can be thankful for is our second chances and that can be be of the greatest gifts we can give others.

Always remember, Be thankful for second chances. Accept them. Give them. Use them.



About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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