Recycle Project for school kids


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Recycle Project are a great way for the kids to have some fun with simple objects that they might see as waste. When they have to gather such material and create a new product out of it using their creativity for school project, the whole scene is different. Nothing is not a waste anymore… 🙂 My daughter had to make her recycle project during the Thanksgiving Break. And the main criterion was “least parent assistance”. Everyday she was coming up with a new idea. But not every idea can be converted into a project. Finally, she finalized one idea. She decided to recycle her little brother’s baby formula tub and canned vegetables cans. I literally, didn’t help her in this recycle project. Just with the sticking part since it needed the hot glue gun, I offered my help. She wasn’t willing to take my help but then she said yes. She named it Mr. Wacky Holder. She also wrote her own script for the presentation. I gave my small inputs (mommy can never stop.. right 🙂 that “when you are presenting it, go in a natural flow. Tell as if you are explaining me how you created Mr. Wacky Holder. And since, you named him as a person so keep that till end and explain as if you are introducing a person”. After she came home, she was very happy and satisfied as everyone liked her project – the name and her presentation style. I am proud of my girl.


recycle project


recycle project

So, here is how she did it. Presenting you recycle project for school kidsMr. Wacky Holder. You can call him Mr. Wacky, he likes it.  (That’s how she said it).


You will need:

  • 1 Baby Formula Tub
  • 3 cans
  • Felt sheet (you can pick your color, she picked red)
  • Jute piece
  • Rice bag (save the handles too)
  • Yarn (she used white)
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Old crafts


Let’s make it:

  • First clean the tub and the cans.
  • Cut the jute and wrap around the cans. Using the hot glue gun, secure them tightly.
  • Cut the rice bag to wrap around the formula tub.
  • She decided to use a piece of felt with the name Mr. Wacky Holder stitched on it.
  • Then glue the felt piece in the center of the rice bag piece. And wrap the whole prepared piece around the formula tub.
  • Using hot glue gun, attach the handles on the tub if you want.

Sticking and messy part ends here. Now starts the decoration part.

  • Decorate Mr. Wacky with her old crafts.
  • Using hot glue gun, attach the cans to the sides of the tub.
  • You can use the center tub as a planter and the side cans as a holder or the whole thing purely as a holder.
  • Mr. Wacky Holder is ready to say hello!!


recycle project

I really liked this idea of doing a recycle project. Kids get to learn that it is not always required to spend lot of money when you want to create something good. There is lot of stuff which is just lying around in our house than can be used in a creative and useful manner. And obviously, through such projects kids get to learn the basics of presentation, public speaking.




About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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