Protecting Your Children and Becoming a Cyber Safety Smart Parent

Cyber safety has become one of the top challenging issues that every parent want to handle with care. With everything becoming technology driven, information is on their finger tips. The first step towards cyber safety from parent’s side is talking. If children are educated and informed about cyber safety then it is beneficial for both parent and child. Today’s’ guest Post by Tracey Clayton, contributor to High Style Life. She has written such a wonderful post that do not leave any space for me to write an introductory paragraph..)


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One of the most important jobs of parents is to protect their children’s safety at all times, and cyberspace is not any different. Although realizing that they are vulnerable in the comfort of your home is mind-boggling, there are ways to prevent any future threats. By implementing simple rules and child-proofing your technology, you will create a protected, child-friendly environment. Ultimately, your children will utilize the endless possibilities of the Internet in the best possible way while having a fun and safe experience at the same time.


Use It Together

Parents should get involved as much as possible during their kid’s play time. This is also true when it comes to using the computer. By sitting next to your child in front of the computer screen, you have a chance to indirectly influence the sites they choose to visit. Not only that, but you will always be able to tactfully monitor their whereabouts online. In doing so, you are directly protecting their safety. Also, children will associate your presence with good feelings and a fun experience.


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Safeguard Your Child

Create a safe cyber environment to safeguard your child from future danger online. Since their lack of knowledge restricts them, you should do as much as possible to protect and secure both your kids and the computer they are using. Add a reliable antivirus software program and teach children to read and listen to their warnings. Also, set the privacy options to best suit your child’s skill and block pop-ups; since children have a tendency to be attracted to pop-ups and click on them, thus come at risk of encountering inappropriate content. On the other hand, if your child uses your computer, make sure all your valuable files and documents are password protected, as children’s curiosity can harm them.


Teach Them How to Use It

Teach your children the importance of using hardware and software properly.  If there is a malfunction, they should always seek you out and not handle the situation themselves. They should also learn to never touch the wiring, electric cables, or plugs on their own. Explain to them the very important rule of never giving out personal information online. Children have a tendency to believe authority figures, and are easily manipulated online, that is why this rule is so important. Never directly restrict content, as children will get curious and want to know why. In dealing with this, you can get creative and provide them with new sources of interest or create a task game in order progress them to another website.


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Make the Effort of Knowing Their Interests

It is best to track your child’s interests when they are online. By knowing what your child likes viewing on the internet (and with a little research into the subject matter), you can provide them with the appropriate content. A good site for children must be interactive, colorful, and playful to ensure that your child will never be bored and look for other ways to stimulate its curiosity. Talk to their friend’s parents and learn what their children like viewing online, to get a better sense of what your child might also find fun and interesting.


Introduce Online Learning to Your Kids

Cyberspace provides a novel way of educating children. Since all kids like playing games, you can use that to your advantage. Try looking for educational games for children that will help in their development. In that way, children can learn new things they will need in school, or gain skills for later in life. There are great online math games, word games, puzzles, and quizzes for kids to help them acquire new knowledge about the world. And, because they are interactive and extensive, children will have fun and learn something new every day.


In the end, it is important to remember that by implementing simple rules, educating your kids, and making sure to child-proof your technology, you will create a safe and productive environment. In making the smallest effort, your child will reap all the benefits of cyberspace while also having a fun and enjoyable experience.


About author:Tracey Clayton

Tracey Clayton is a full time mom of three girls. She loves cooking, baking, sewing, spending quality time with her daughters and she’s passionate for writing. She is contributor on High Style Life and her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live.” Find her on Facebook


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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