America is a land of opportunities. We have heard this line several times. When we think of opportunities or people who we see at unconventional places presenting their talent, we often think about how they know about this place and how they got the chance to show their talent? The truth is straightforward. They asked for it. It’s not that the opportunity walked to them or someone invited them. It’s because they found it on their own and they went there and asked for it. Sometimes, such places may seem ordinary, but it could be a start for a new career, it could be a place to let the fear go. I have seen that people here don’t shy away from asking what they want. And that’s an excellent trait. If you are confident in your talent and idea, then there is no harm is at least checking. The worst will be you will get a no. It is okay. But what if you get a yes? Most of the time, we don’t take the first step due to the fear of failure.

I will quote my example here. Many of you who follow my podcast channels – MothersGurukulPodcast & BatonBatonMein know that I love public speaking a lot. I have done MCing here a couple of times, gave solo speeches at schools, cultural events, and conducted a few women-oriented activities. Recently, I successfully conducted three workshops on three different topics at our local public library. When my friends saw the updates on my Facebook and WhatsApp status, they were surprised. The first question was, how did I approach them? What did I tell them, and how did they get convinced? The answer was very straightforward – I talked to them. Yes, I have noticed and realized one thing here. And that is – when it comes to making a place for yourself, then you have to speak for yourself. No one is going to talk on your behalf. But while approaching, you should be well prepared. You should be confident about your subject. And you should be ready to listen to their suggestions as well. While you are handling this situation, you should sound polite yet professional. If you think that you have an idea that can be converted into something meaningful to others, then you will find places to put it forward. In my case, it was schools and public libraries. How can we forget online presence? Today having a youtube channel is becoming very common, but sometimes to know the locals and make your name there, you have to conduct something in person.
Sometimes you have to create your opportunity. It’s not very difficult. Once you set a stage for yourself the first time, it gets comparatively easy next time. But don’t expect that anyone will do a favor to you just because you have worked with them earlier. Rules are pretty straightforward here, and they are the same for everyone.
Don’t wait for something big to happen. Try to make your way; find ways to connect with people. Opportunities are there, find them, grab them, and create a place for yourself.
This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z. My theme is “Dollar Nation-Are you ready to experience the west through my eyes?”
You can read the previous posts by clicking on each alphabets.
