Discipline that is needed is the discipline that comes from within…

Region Capture3      

     I just love this above saying by Gordon B. Hinkley. It has described this one word so beautifully. As a parent, we all want our kids to be obedient, well-mannered, cultured- in short holder of qualities that will make them a better person. What is the real purpose of discipline, culture? The answer is teaching kids shishtachaar (good behavior). In order to do this, we have to repeat the values of life lessons over and over. But while doing this, one thing should be taken into consideration very carefully and seriously. Kids should also get every opportunity to judge between right and wrong. As a parent, we should aim for not letting kids feel it as a burden. But they should feel pride in following and connecting the dots that will help them in completing the picture.

     We (parents) think-practice discipline. But how? I also came across this question when I was a new mom since it was the beginning of my journey. Sometimes, the discipline maker is not clear with the real meaning of discipline. In dictionary, the word “Discipline” is described as “systematic instruction intended to train a person.” The solution to this could be if we start to think that by teaching them discipline, we are actually helping them to be a better person. If we take this as a sole objective then the way and medium of implementing will totally change.

     Way of putting certain habits into practice may vary from person to person. Sometimes or should I say many times kids follow or obey our directions because of their love, and affection towards their parents. At a very young age, they don’t want to take any chance or make any compromises with their parent’s love. At that age, for them their parent’s love-their wish is everything.  

      These are some of the points that I can think of how we can put few things into practice and soon they will be following them as a discipline:

1.        Setting up a routine: This will teach them a lesson of time management, why certain things are supposed to be done at certain time.  This will help them in becoming a good planner.

2.      Through Games: It sounds funny right? Before mentioning this, even I was thinking should I write it? But, it came into my mind today. After dinner, I was just cleaning up. My daughter said- let’s play a game and for every question you have to say ‘Yes Mam’, ‘No Mam’. For example- ‘Do we shout?’- No Mam, ‘Always tell the truth’- Yes Mam. We started playing this game and whenever it was my turn, I asked her some behavior related questions and she answered them what I was expecting with examples from her own experiences.  ‘When we go to temple do we talk, jump, scream?- NO Mam.

3.      Setting up an example (Role modeling): Kids do what they see. We always tell them, ‘home is the first school’. If we try to include those habits in our own behavior that we want them to follow then they will do it happily just by seeing that elders are also doing it not just asking them to do.

     I am sure there could be many more ways for this. The bottom line of all this is kids need to have a realization of their actions. They shouldn’t be doing it just for the sake of doing. Our duty is to guide them and show them the right path. But if they are self-aware of their actions then wherever they live- close to or far from their parents they will never go wrong.  Again going back to our title “The discipline that is needed in life is the discipline that comes from within.” And as a parent I can say that it will be our most precious and valuable asset of lifetime.

Please do share what we feel and I will add your suggestion (with your name, if that is okay) to this post.


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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